Performance art and activism: Nick Cave and Bob Faust

Artist and Chicago member Nick Cave has always explored race and police brutality in his work, creating his first Soundsuit – a performative armor that creates sound and movement while masking the identity of the wearer – in response to LA's 1992 Rodney King riots. In this conversation, Cave and his business and life partner, Bob Faust, talk about Soundsuits 2.0 and their new community-based art project AMENDS, which is designed to dismantle systemic racism. Listen in and learn how you can become part of their project via the hashtag #AMENDS.
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Paola Mendoza and Jose Antonio Vargas on art and immigration

Art Talks: Elmgreen & Dragset, Berlin

In Conversation: Tyler Mitchell x Antwaun Sargent

In Conversation: Ali Aslan and Ai Weiwei

5 Things I Know About Art with Yasha Young, Berlin

Art Talks: Thukral and Tagra, Mumbai

Art Talk: Jemima Kirke and Kate Bryan

Tea Talks: Gianluca Longo and Douglas Friedman

Tea Talks: Gianluca Longo and Francis Sultana

In Conversation: Noel Fielding and Kate Bryan