Meet our Soho Works workmate, Sean Barrow

A man relaxing on the sofa

We caught up with the Los Angeles Works member, creative director and photographer to talk about his creative process

Local Soho Works: 9000 Sunset, Los Angeles

We’ve had an interesting year – what’s inspiring you at the moment?
‘This year has definitely been an interesting one. Learning new skills has been inspiring, as well as motivating me the most. I truly believe 2020 has been about pivoting and understanding what changes you need to make in order to adapt to our current climate. I’ve been studying design classes (graphic design and typography) at Parsons to help pivot my career.’

What are your three essentials for a productive day?
‘Some kind of routine and structure at the minimum, which definitely compromises three main things: coffee to start the day, scheduling my work hours for that day, and a workout at the end. I’m all about spontaneity, but not when it comes to work.’

What are you currently working on?
‘Growing my design skills, as well as personal photography projects for brands. I’m also extremely interested in a new format of photography and am in the process of learning more about it.’

Proudest achievement?
‘It’s hard to say my proudest achievement, but one I’m definitely proud of is making the decision to shift from business and marketing into the creatives, and continually surprising myself with how much I have achieved so far. It’s always a hard decision to move from an industry that provides security and structure into one that fluctuates heavily. But it has been so rewarding and I’ve enjoyed my journey so far, even though it hasn’t always been the easiest. I’m excited to see where it continues to go from here.’

How are you navigating the changes in the digital marketing industry at this time?
‘The biggest things I’m doing are learning new skills and adapting my role in the creative industry. I’m also focusing more on creative directing than content creation for brands on a personal level.’

What is your favourite area to work in at Soho Works?
‘I have two favourite spots. One is the two-person round table in front of the meeting room and next to the window facing the parking lot. The other is the bar counter/ communal table that runs along the window facing Sunset Boulevard.’