Meet our Soho Works workmate, Luke Gledhill

A DJ sat behind a microphone and mixing desk

We caught up with the Los Angeles Works member, brand marketer and creative director about his inspiration and work process

We’ve had an interesting year – what’s inspiring you at the moment?
‘My wife Max constantly inspires me every day. If I get stuck on anything I’m working on, I run things by her and she always has the right answers for the best outcome. Also, the amazing run club community that I cofounded gives me great inspiration every Saturday when we meet up. There are so many incredibly talented, driven entrepreneurs and creatives who are pushing the boundaries. And, of course, the awesome forward-thinking guests I get to talk to for my conversation series Culture Your Creative that I record and stream live from Soho Works.’
What are your three essentials for a productive day?
‘The first thing I do when I wake up is to say some affirmations, then I set my intentions and meditate for 20 minutes. This clears my mind and keeps me focused on what I need to be doing. Next thing is to whisk up a cold matcha latte; matcha tea is an amazing super elixir that helps to drive my energy and creativity. Then, it’s either head out for a run, do some yoga or a quick workout. If there’s anything lingering in my mind, a three or four-mile run always clears it up and gives great clarity.’
What are you currently working on?
‘I’ve been working with a brand called Grand Running Club for some time now, predominantly in content marketing and community building, which is so fun. Especially because we are helping people’s lives through the community aspect of running. I’m also working on some content with an awesome new app called Beams, creating stories and current culture narratives through short audio conversations.’
Proudest achievement?
‘This has to be marrying my wife. She is very creative too, and amazing to share and discuss ideas with. Also, moving to Los Angeles from the UK was a big deal. And building a global running community is really cool.’

Favourite quote/ words to live by?
‘It would have to be “Anything is possible” and “Everything is happening for you, time is now catching up”.’

How are you navigating the changes in the digital marketing industry?
‘I love and embrace change. Marketing is consistently shifting all the time, which is what makes it so fun to work in. The digital space is evolving so fast that there’s always an opportunity to test different things in the marketplace for brands and companies. But at the bottom of it all, authenticity is still key.’