Meet our Soho Works workmate, Jameela Jackson

A woman sat on a chair laughing

We caught up with the Los Angeles Works member, who is the founder of Bonafide Media Group and director of Startup Grind Hollywood

Local Soho Works: 9000 Sunset, Los Angeles

We’ve had an interesting year – what’s inspiring you at the moment?
‘I’ve been inspired by all the creativity and the new businesses being birthed during this time (since I also created new businesses in the pandemic). Also, the funding opportunities to support them being presented and offered by various organisations. I’m inspired by all the growth and rapid change taking place around me professionally, socially, and spiritually.’

What are your three essentials for a productive day?
‘Morning meditation, a workout or some physical activity, and music. I love a good power song that gets me amped up and in a winning mindset for the day.’

What are you currently working on?
‘I’m curating ongoing programming for Startup Grind monthly, but we’re also working to create impactful brand partnerships and more resources for our entrepreneurial community. Additionally, I’m working on development for my own talk series, and a couple of music projects.’

Proudest achievement?
‘My proudest achievement is my daughter; to me, being a single parent is the toughest yet most rewarding thing I’ve done in my life. It has made me a better woman and a better multi-tasker. And I’ve become relentless in my pursuit of success, because I know my daughter is watching me.’

Favourite quote/ words to live by?
‘You just can’t beat the person who never gives up’ [Babe Ruth] and ‘success is a journey, not a destination’. I love both of these, because they show perseverance and passion – two of the things that continue to push me on a daily basis.’

Favourite place to work in Soho Works
‘Upstairs to the right by the window. There is a lot of natural light and I get good creative juices flowing there. I especially love the panoramic city view.’